For most of history, leaders were typically chosen by being born into the position and/or inherited due to wealth or status. Fortunately, things have evolved over time, and in recent years, the servant leadership style has emerged as a better way of doing things.

How does this work? Servants were not thought of as leaders, and leaders were not supposed to be servants. Despite what the name may suggest, a servant leader does not wait hand and foot on those on their team. Rather, a servant leader puts the needs of others first, and helps people develop and perform to their highest potential.
By putting the needs of others first, you empower people to perform at their best, which obviously helps the organization thrive. Servant leadership goes against the belief that leadership is defined by hierarchical, patriarchal or by wealth or status. Instead, anyone can be a servant leader.
Further, you do not need a special title to be a servant leader. Oftentimes, the best leaders go without a fancy title or recognition. Servant leaders always pass praise and take the blame. They are transparent in their actions thus building trust amongst their team. Servant leaders make their employees feel valued and help them understand that their contributions matter in the success of the organization.
Are you wondering if you fit the mold of servant leadership?
Here are 10 behaviors of a servant leader:
- Serve first
- Build trust
- Live your values
- Listen to understand
- Think about your thinking
Add value to others
Always learn
Live your transformation
Increase your influence
Demonstrate courage