An Interesting Find During a 1938 Condo Inspection

An Interesting Find During a 1938 Condo Inspection

LunsPro Home Inspections recently conducted an inspection of a 1938 condo in Atlanta, Georgia, and our ASHI-certified inspector, Joe M., encountered an interesting situation!

During the inspection, Joe discovered that the electrical panel for the condo was located directly behind the refrigerator in the kitchen. This unconventional placement raised immediate concerns about code compliance and safety. Electrical panels should be easily accessible, with sufficient clearance for safe maintenance and operation. The current setup could pose safety risks and complicate access for necessary electrical work.

Joe committed to further researching code compliance and safe working clearance standards. He emphasized that even if the placement isn't classified as a defect, it will still be mentioned in the inspection report to ensure clients are fully informed. If needed, Joe recommended having a licensed electrician evaluate the situation and make any necessary corrections. This proactive approach ensures that any potential safety hazards are addressed, maintaining the integrity of the home.

This discovery highlights the importance of thorough home inspections, especially for older properties. Partnering with experienced inspectors like Joe M. and the team at LunsPro Home Inspections ensures that every aspect of a home is meticulously evaluated, providing clients with peace of mind and informed decision-making.

For homeowners and prospective buyers, a comprehensive home inspection is crucial!

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